Saturday, July 7, 2007


Have you ever gone into Family Court in Hamilton County Indiana, presented overwhelming evidence that your EX was lying to the Magistrate? Then had your children taken "in camera interview" (the judge, the kids and a court reporter no cross examination) to have the Magistrate rule: "the kids were thoroughly couched by the mother and brought exparte evidence with them to support her position." Oh good your thinking! NO, the magistrate IGNORED all the facts and ruled in favor of the mother. This is just one example of the hundreds that have happened to me in 13 years of court battles with my ex. The Hamilton county courts have helped my ex alienate my children and promoted her hate campaign. One automatically thinks, well he must be a really bad guy. Nope, my worst offence towards my kids, I smoke and only LEGAL cigarettes. Never done drugs and only drink a few drinks a YEAR. Always pay my child support. My fight has been over visitation. Don't think it can happen to you, well you just dream on.


1 comment:

ellie clayton said...

I have been victimized by false allegations and distortions. I have been open for my children to clarify and specify what they hold against me, willing to accept accountability if they provide verifiable accounts. They do not. It diverted attention from allegations my children made about their father for which I sought help and their behaviors then and now are consistant with abuse victims documented in the homework I have done. Courage to speak out on my experiences may cast a differint light on the influences that keep me separated from my children. That is the avenue I have left to break a cycle of abuse that I see.