Thursday, July 19, 2007

Noncustodial Parent -The judge TOOK AWAY custody....

In most probably 98%, or more, of the custody "decisions" made by Hamilton County Court judges, were done in error, unlawfully, and unconstitutionally. It was (legally, constitutionally) **never** about which parent would get AWARDED custody of the children (because, legally, BOTH parents *already* HAD custody)... The County court judge simply TOOK AWAY custody of only one parent or the other (i.e., committing gender discrimination, and violation of equal protection), and did it **without** the constitutionally-required "clear and convincing" evidence findings of parental unfitness... or even, in almost all custody cases in this country - without even any suggestions of parental unfitness, at all!!

Are you ready to do something about it? Join the Class Action Suit. Check your eligiblity here and sign up NOW!

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